Clinical Supervision

FSU Community Supervisor Resources

Thank you for agreeing to supervise an FSU graduate student in speech-language pathology. We are grateful for your generosity with your time and professional experiences. Your supervision is an invaluable contribution to the students’ professional skill development and to the overall quality of our graduate program. We simply could not adequately educate our students without your participation and support. Below you will find information related to clinical supervision for FSU graduate students.

ASHA Supervision Requirements for Clinical Educators

ASHA CFCC Standard V-E - Supervisor Requirements for 2020 Standards: (From the following URL:

Supervision of students must be provided by a clinical educator who holds ASHA certification in the appropriate profession and who, after earning the CCC-A or CCC-SLP, has completed (1) a minimum of 9 months of full-time clinical experience (or its part-time equivalent), and (2) a minimum of 2 hours of professional development in clinical instruction/supervision.

The amount of direct supervision must be commensurate with the student’s knowledge, skills, and experience; must not be less than 25% of the student’s total contact with each client/patient; and must take place periodically throughout the practicum. Supervision must be sufficient to ensure the welfare of the individual receiving services.

FSU Requirements:

  • In order to be cleared to supervise a FSU student, the ASHA system must state that you HAVE MET the supervision requirement.
    • VERIFY ASHA SUPERVISION REQUIREMENT:  Enter a valid ASHA Account Number and First Name or search by an individual's name and location to verify the status of an individual's Certificate of Clinical Competence in Audiology (CCC-A) or Speech-Language Pathology (CCC-SLP), and Ethics History. Verification of Certified Assistants status in Audiology (C-AA) and Speech-Language Pathology (C-SLPA), including Ethics History, can also be accessed via this search.
      • IF you have met the requirement, you can update the ASHA system by following the instructions provided below
      • IF you have not met the requirement, we will provide a free option & a low-cost option for you. These are not the only options, just a few suggestions.
  • It is preferential that those who are considered for field supervision be a full-time staff member (minimum of 30 hours per week) of an approved facility.
  • In addition, we prefer that you have a minimum of three years of experience post Master’s degree (CF is included in these three years).
  • Supervisors MUST be physically on site while student is performing evaluations or treatments. If the supervisor is not on site, the student cannot earn clockhours.   
  • Provide direct supervision of at least 25% of each treatment or diagnostic session (Each session that you submit must be supervised at least 25% (At least 7.5 minutes of a 30-minute session / At least 15 minutes of a 60-minute session)

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I verify that I have met this requirement? You can verify if you have met this on the ASHA Certification Verification website.

What if I have met the requirement, but the ASHA system shows that I "have not yet met" the requirement? You can update this information in "My Account" on the ASHA website. Use the 2020 Requirements for Clinical Instructors, Supervisors, and Clinical Fellowship Mentors link to update your information. Step-by-step instructions can be found in this PPT: Editing ASHA Portal

How can I meet this requirement? 

CALIPSO Student Management System

Our School uses the CALIPSO (Clinical Assessment of Learning Inventory of Performance Streamlined Office Operations) web-based application to manage student clock hours and performance. You will review and approve clock hours weekly; as well as complete a mid-term and final evaluation using CALIPSO.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do I do if I can’t log into my CALIPSO account or I forgot my password? Make sure you’re entering your ASHA number to log in. You may be suppressed in the system. It may be that the email address in CALIPSO is different than the email address you’re using. Email Melissa Allen ( and she can unsupress your account and/or change your email address in CALIPSO. If all else fails, she can contact CALIPSO Support, they are very timely in their responses.

What if I didn’t receive my CALIPSO PIN? Check your spam/junk folder. If you still don’t see it, email Melissa Allen ( and she will generate a new registration email and pin.

Clinical Practicum Resources

FSU Off Campus Clinical Supervision Handbook

  • We’ve put together a short handbook for distribution to all off-campus field supervisors in order to: facilitate consistency in supervision practices across clinical settings; specify requirements and responsibilities of both field supervisors and students; and, enhance communication/feedback between supervisors, students, and FSU practicum coordinators. We hope that you find the information contained in the handbook useful to you as you work with our students.

Community Placement Expectation Worksheet

  • Document to assist in setting mutual expectations between the supervisor and the student. Use this at the beginning of each semester to set clear expectations for Communication, Logistics, and Clinical Learning

Frequently Asked Questions

How long are the students required to be onsite each semester? Fall and Spring semesters, students are required to be on site about 15 weeks. During the summer semester the TLH campus students are on site for about 12 weeks while the DL students are on site for 8 weeks.
How many hours should my student earn each week/semester? For part time practicums, students should aim to be on site for 10-12 hours with an 80% productivity rate. For full time internships, students should follow their supervisor’s schedule for 32-40 hours a week with an 80% productivity rate.
How fast should my student take over my caseload? Gradual Release of Responsibility Students are expected to move at your pace. We trust your professional judgment with regard to how fast you and your student progress. Here are a few things to consider as the semester progresses:
  • Weeks 2-5: Slowly start to give the student more responsibility: You may feel more comfortable with some students than others. Students’ competence and confidence will will need to gauge how much responsibility your student can handle. Your feedback and instruction are heavy during this period. Students need lots of encouragement and guidance during these early weeks.
  • Weeks 6-8: Continue to increase responsibility:
  • Week 9 is the midterm. By the end of week 9, your student should have taken over at least half of your caseload for the days they are present (many will have much more responsibility by then). Start to slowly decrease the amount of feedback given. Ask the students questions and expect more independence, planning and problem solving from your student. Please contact the practicum course instructor ASAP if your student is not making progress by week 9.
  • Weeks 9 – 16: Maximum responsibility and independence: Students should be responsible for the majority of your caseload on the days they are present. You should see improved skill and confidence. The student should be responsible for planning and implementing sessions.
What if a student needs more than one supervisor? Students can have more than one supervisor. The additional supervisor must meet all of the supervision requirements (see ASHA Supervision Requirements tab) and is able to approve clock hours. If the additional supervisor is at the same site as the primary supervisor, the primary supervisor should collaborate with the additional supervisor in completing ONE midterm/final evaluation together. If the additional supervisor is at a different location, any supervisor who has supervised/approved more than 10 clock hours should complete an evaluation.