Program Information
College: Communication & Information
Degree: BA, BS
Limited Access: Yes
Contact: Jennifer Kekelis
201 W. Bloxham,
Warren Building
Tallahassee, FL 32306-1200
Phone: (850) 644-2253
Email: FSUComDis@cci.fsu.edu
Employment continues to increase in the field of Communication Science and Disorders (CSD) with critical shortages of speech-language pathologists (SLPs) evident throughout the nation. Employment of speech-language pathologists is projected to grow 18 percent from 2016 to 2026, much faster than the average for all occupations (BLS 2017 Occupational Outlook Handbook). Our undergraduate degree provides students with the prerequisites needed to apply for graduate programs in both Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology.
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Program's Overview
The mission of the School of Communication Science & Disorders is to prepare speech-language pathologists and audiologists to provide clinical services to individuals with speech, language, and hearing impairments. The undergraduate curriculum (42 hours) leading to a bachelor’s degree offers liberal arts education in human communication and its disorders. Students learn about anatomy and physiology of the speech and hearing mechanisms; sound and its perception; and the development of language and communication system, as well as the components of the English sound system; the neurological bases of speech, language and hearing; and strategies used in the management and evaluation of speech, language and hearing impairments. The bachelor’s degree also offers a pre-professional education that is required to gain entry into graduate programs in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology.
Employment Information
Representative Job Titles Related to this Major: ( B.S or B.A for SLP assistants or AuD assistants, AuD for audiologists, and M.S or M.A Degree for Speech-language pathologists) Audiologist, Audiology Assistant, Consultant (speech, language, and/or hearing disorders), Speech Language Pathologist (speech therapist), Speech Language Pathology Assistant, Researcher, Speech Therapy Product Developer.
Representative Employers: Hospitals, Community Health Centers, Public Schools, Private Practice, Business and Industry (limited), Universities, Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies.
Request Information
Program's Courses
Prerequisite Coursework
Prerequisite Coursework: 12 hours
These courses may also be used to meet General Education requirements.
Physical science (3). One course from: PHY XXXX or CHM XXXX
Biological science (3). One course from: BSC XXXX
Statistics (3). STA XXXX
Social/behavioral sciences (3). One course from any of the following: PSY XXXX, CLP XXXX, DEP XXXX, EXP XXXX, SYG XXXX, SYD XXXX, SYO XXXX, SYP XXXX, FYC XXXX or FAD XXXX
Students without all of the above courses will be not considered for admission into the program, as they are required by the accreditation body (ASHA).
Note: State-wide common prerequisites are always under review. For the most current information and for acceptable alternative courses, visit the Common Prerequisites Manual.
Major Program (Undergraduate) of Studies at FSU: 42 hours
To qualify for graduation from the major, all undergraduates in Communication Science and Disorders must earn a grade of ”C minus”or better for each required major course. Students are expected to maintain a 3.0 GPA in major coursework.
SPA 2001 (3) Communication Science and Disorders
SPA 4004 (4) Normal Communication Development
SPA 4011C (4) Accoustics for Speech and Hearing
SPA 4101C (4) Anatomy and Physiology of the Speech Mechanism
SPA 4104 (3) Neurological Bases of Communication
SPA 4112 (4) Clinical Phonetics
SPA 4255 (3) Developmental Communication Disorders
SPA 4257 (3) Acquired Communication Disorders
SPA 4302 (3) Introduction to Clinical Audiology
SPA 4302L (1) Introduction to Clinical Audiology Laboratory
SPA 4321 (3) Aural Rehabilitation I
SPA 4056 (3) Clinical Methods
SPA 4800 (3) Research Evaluation
SPA 4930 (1) Undergraduate Seminar in Clinical Observation
To see an example of our course sequence, visit the Academic Program Guide website.
Application Deadline
We admit new majors to our undergraduate programs in the spring and fall semesters, although students admitted for fall have the option of starting coursework in summer. However, the program will take a minimum of two years to complete after acceptance to the major. Minimum requirements for review of application include an overall GPA of 3.0 on all college work attempted; successful applicants often have much higher GPAs. Students must have a minimum of 52 hours (acceptable to FSU), all of the statewide CORE coursework, FSU General Education coursework and ASHA standards IVA requirements completed by the end of the term in which they apply.
The deadline to apply for Fall 2025 admission is Friday, February 7, 2025, by 11:59pm EST. Students can submit their applications beginning January 3, 2025.
For any questions regarding our undergraduate program, please call the CCI Advising Center at 850-644-7278.
Application Process
Complete and Submit the Online Application.
The online application will be available here on January 3, 2025. Call the CCI Advising Center at 850-644-7278 with any questions.
Students must complete this online application registration form and print out the confirmation email you will receive. Please submit this online application between January 3, 2025, and February 7, 2025, by 11:59PM EST to be eligible for the undergraduate program.
Those students who are accepted into the School of Communication will be notified during the spring semester on whether or not they have been accepted into the program along with other pertinent information.
If you are not currently enrolled at FSU, you must also apply to the university through the Online Applications and Information site: Undergraduate Application Portal. This application process is separate from the CSD major application process. Admission to the Bridge program does not include admission to the University and vice versa.
For additional assistance, prospective undergraduate students may call the Advising Center at 850-644-7278 to schedule an appointment to discuss the application process.
Program's Faculty
Crass, Kimberlee
Teaching Faculty II, Undergraduate Program Coordinator, NSSLHA Faculty Advisor
Deason, Jinger
Graduate Program Director - Distance Learning; Clinical Placement Coordinator; Teaching I
Farquharson, Kelly
Associate Professor; Director, Children's Literacy and Speech Sound (CLaSS) Lab
Hall-Mills, Shannon
Associate Professor; Graduate Program Coordinator (TLH Campus)
Montgomery, Tricia
Teaching III Faculty, Director of Clinical Education & Director - FSU Speech & Hearing Cli
Morris, Richard
Professor, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Faculty Advancement
Nimmons, Ellen M.
Teaching Faculty III, Clinical Faculty Instructor
Sasser, Linda
Teaching III, Clinic Faculty, Listening and Spoken Language Specialist, Auditory Verbal Th
Snowden, Selena
Teaching Faculty III, Director of Audiology Services
Program Application
The Spring 2025 Undergraduate online application will open on August 26, 2024, at 9am and will close on October 1, 2024, at 11:59pm ET.
The Fall 2025 Undergraduate online application will open on January 3, 2025, at 9am and will close on February 7th, 2025, at 11:59pm ET.
Call the CCI Advising Center at 850-644-7278 with any questions.